Volume 31, Issue 4 No AccessStructured Adaptive Model Inversion Controller for Mars Atmospheric FlightCarolina Restrepo and John ValasekCarolina Restrepo Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843Search for more papers by this author and John Valasek Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843Search for more papers by this authorPublished Online:23 May 2012https://doi.org/10.2514/1.33085SectionsRead Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookXLinked InRedditEmail About Previous article Next article FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsSee PDF for referencesCited byA Hybrid ADMM for Six-Degree-of-Freedom Entry Trajectory Optimization Based on Dual Quaternions1 Jun 2023 | IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 59, No. 3Six-Dimensional Atmosphere Entry Guidance based on Dual QuaternionChanghuang Wan, Chaoying Pei, Ran Dai, Gangshan Jing and Jeremy R. Rea4 January 2021Flight Control Law Design and Analysis for Mars Airplane in Crosswind1 Jul 2020H∞ sampled-data fuzzy control for attitude tracking of mars entry vehicles with control constraints1 Feb 2019 | Information Sciences, Vol. 475Disturbance observer based reliable H ∞ fuzzy attitude tracking control for Mars entry vehicles with actuator failures1 Jun 2018 | Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 77The Comparative Study of Mars Entry Phase’s Guidance Methods27 October 2017An Integrated Trajectory Guidance and Attitude Control Law with Enhanced Anti-Disturbance Capability for Mars Pinpoint Landing1 Jul 2017Neural network based nonlinear model reference adaptive controller for an unmanned aerial vehicle1 Jun 2017Flight Control Law Using Composite Nonlinear Feedback Technique for a Mars AirplaneYanbin Liu, Kemao Peng, Yuping Lu and Ben M. Chen7 May 2016 | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 39, No. 9A recurrent neural network for nonlinear control of a fixed-wing UAV1 Jul 2016A composite guidance law with enhanced anti-disturbance capability for Mars pinpoint landing27 October 2015 | Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 38, No. 6Review and prospect of guidance and control for Mars atmospheric entry1 Aug 2014 | Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 69Morphing Unmanned Air Vehicle Intelligent Shape and Flight Control14 March 2012Generalized Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimation for Mars Entry Navigation1 November 2011 | Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 383-390Fault‐tolerant control allocation for Mars entry vehicle using adaptive control24 January 2011 | International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 25, No. 2Fault Tolerant Control Allocation for Mars Entry Vehicle using Adaptive ControlMonika Marwaha and John Valasek15 June 2012 What's Popular Volume 31, Number 4July 2008 Metrics Crossmark TopicsAerodynamic PerformanceAerodynamicsAerospace SciencesAstrodynamicsAstronauticsAtmospheric ScienceAttitude ControlFlight DynamicsFlight MechanicsOrbital ManeuversSpace OrbitSpacecraft Attitude Control KeywordsAerodynamic CoefficientsModel Reference Adaptive ControlAtmospheric DensityMars Science LaboratoryAerodynamic AngleReaction Control SystemFlight Path AngleGuidance SystemEarthMars Exploration RoverDigital Published online23 May 2012