Facility Effects on the Ion Characteristics of a 12.5-Kilowatt Hall Thruster
During a laser-induced fluorescence test of a 12.5 kW magnetically shielded Hall thruster, ion characteristics in the discharge channel and near the poles were measured as the background pressure and electrical configuration were varied. The acceleration zone of the thruster moved upstream by 2 and 10% of the channel length when the background pressure was raised to 1.8 times and seven times the lowest achievable pressure, respectively. Examination of the characteristics of the ions near the pole covers suggested that as the background pressure decreased, the pole covers might be experiencing more erosion. When operating at a discharge voltage of 300 V, the acceleration zone was observed to be at the same location for all electrical configurations. When operating at a discharge voltage of 600 V, the acceleration zone was observed to move 3% of the channel length upstream when the thruster body was floated instead of tied to the cathode or grounded to the facility. Characteristics of the ions bombarding the pole covers did not vary across the tested electrical configurations. This observation combined with thruster body voltage measurements suggested that varying the electrical configuration only affected the thruster body sheath voltage and did not affect the plasma potential beyond the sheath.
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