Statistical Analysis of the Nonlinear Response of Bladed Disks with Mistuning and Cracks
In this paper, efficient techniques are presented for analyzing the dynamics of mistuned bladed disks with cracks. The analysis of the influence of cracks, coupled with the influence of mistuning on the dynamics of bladed disks, is computationally challenging for several reasons: 1) complex geometry of modern turbines results in very high-dimensional computational models; 2) mistuning in these structures breaks the cyclic symmetry in these systems; and 3) cracks further disrupt the symmetry and introduce a piecewise-linear nonlinearity into these systems. Recently, several approaches have been developed to handle these challenges individually. The component mode mistuning approach was developed to efficiently model small mistuning in bladed disks. The method was developed for generating reduced-order models of cyclically symmetric systems with cracks. More recently, the generalized bilinear amplitude approximation technique was created to efficiently approximate the nonlinear vibrational response of a class of piecewise-linear nonlinear systems. This paper modifies and combines these techniques, for the first time, to enable efficient modeling and statistical analysis of bladed disks with mistuning and cracks. The novel method is able to generate the reduced-order model of full-bladed disks using only single-sector models and approximate the nonlinear vibrational response of the system with significantly reduced computational effort. A high-dimensional finite element model of a mistuned bladed disk with a crack is studied using the proposed approach. The influence of mistuning patterns and cracks on the vibrational response of the bladed disk is discussed.
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