Flutter and Limit-Cycle Oscillations of a Panel Using Unsteady Potential Flow Aerodynamics
The potential aerodynamic theory is implemented to model the flow over a flexible panel. The present study compares the more complete unsteady version of the potential flow theory with its simplification known as the linear piston theory for different Mach numbers and the two- and three-dimensional aerodynamic models. The piston theory is “local” in space and time because it assumes the pressure at a spatial point and time only depends on the panel deformation at the same point and time. The full potential flow model includes the effect of the past history of the panel deformation and the spatial distribution of the panel deformation on the pressure at any instant in time and at any point in space. Aeroelastic analysis is made to trace the flutter onset critical condition based on the limit cycle oscillation amplitudes, and the results are compared with the more traditional implementation using piston theory. Conclusions are made based on the use and application of this more complete aerodynamic theory, particularly for near-transonic and hypersonic flow regimes. Subsonic results are also presented in this study.
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