No AccessApplication of thermo-chemical models on unstructured meshesMICHAEL APPLEBAUM, CURTIS MITCHELL, ROBERT WALTERS and WILLIAM MCGRORYMICHAEL APPLEBAUMVirginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., BlacksburgSearch for more papers by this author, CURTIS MITCHELLVirginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., BlacksburgSearch for more papers by this author, ROBERT WALTERSVirginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., BlacksburgSearch for more papers by this author and WILLIAM MCGRORYAeroSoft, Inc., Blacksburg, VASearch for more papers by this authorPublished Online:17 Aug 2012 Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookXLinked InRedditEmail About Previous chapter Next chapter FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsSee PDF for referencesCited byA performance study of MHD-bypass scramjet inlets with chemical non-equilibriumPrasanta Deb and Ramesh Agarwal22 August 2012 What's Popular 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting 11 January 1993 - 14 January 1993Reno,NV,U.S.A. Crossmark TopicsAerodynamicsAerospace SciencesComputational Fluid DynamicsConservation of Momentum EquationsEquations of Fluid DynamicsFinite Element MethodFinite Volume MethodFlow RegimesFluid DynamicsFluid Flow PropertiesFluid MechanicsMesh GenerationNumerical AnalysisReacting Flow KeywordsConservation EquationsThermodynamic PropertiesImplicit MethodsAerodynamic SimulationGas ConstantThermodynamicsHypersonic FlowsSupersonic NozzleDalton's LawNavier Stokes EquationsDigital Topics Aerospace Systems, Operations and Life Cycle