No AccessPredictions of Slat Noise from the 30P30N at High Angles of Attack using Zonal Hybrid RANS-LESJeffrey A. Housman, Gerrit-Daniel Stich, Joseph G. Kocheemoolayil and Cetin C. KirisJeffrey A. HousmanNASA Ames Research CenterSearch for more papers by this author, Gerrit-Daniel StichNASA Ames Research CenterSearch for more papers by this author, Joseph G. KocheemoolayilNASA Ames Research CenterSearch for more papers by this author and Cetin C. KirisNASA Ames Research CenterSearch for more papers by this authorAIAA 2019-2438Session: Airframe/High-Lift Noise IIPublished Online:18 May 2019 Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookXLinked InRedditEmail About Previous chapter Next chapter FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsSee PDF for referencesCited byPredicting Transonic Buffet Onset for the Boeing Transonic Truss-Braced Wing AircraftOliver M. F. Browne , Daniel Maldonado, Jeffrey A. Housman, Jared C. Duensing and William E. 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