Evaluation of First-Order Actuator Dynamics and Linear Controller for a Bio-Inspired Rotating Empennage Fighter Aircraft
This paper considers the problem of stabilizing a bio-inspired fighter aircraft variant at its Air Combat Maneuver Condition. The aircraft equations of motion are linearized, and an infinite-horizon linear quadratic regulator design is conducted for this aircraft. Included in the dynamics are first-order actuator models, which have the effect of slowing actuator responses. This is particularly important for the bio-inspired variant because it requires rotation of the empennage, which has relatively large inertia. The bio-inspired variant open-loop system is unstable in the short period and Dutch roll modes, which is mitigated in the closed-loop system. Monte Carlo simulation responses to initial condition dispersions, aerodynamic model errors, and atmospheric turbulence are presented for the controlled aircraft system. These simulations demonstrate the robust properties of the presented control design. Discussion is dedicated to control designs neglecting input from throttle and the rotating tail, and corresponding successes. Whereas the bio-inspired variant aircraft can be successfully controlled without rotating tail input, effects from neglecting throttle input show throttle should be included, but perhaps in an alternate loop such as a speed controller.