Retrofit Measures for Aircraft Noise Reduction: Simulation Benchmark and Impact Assessment
DLR, German Aerospace Center, has developed a low-noise retrofit to reduce noise generation of a conventional midrange transportation aircraft, i.e., measures to the airframe and engine exhaust nozzle. Selected measures have been installed onboard of DLR’s flying testbed Advanced Technology Research Aircraft and been subject to a flyover noise campaign. The aircraft in its original configuration and the modified aircraft have been tested and measured in flyover campaigns in 2016 and 2019, respectively. Initial simulation models have been derived from the results and previous component simulations and wind tunnel tests to account for the new reduction measures within DLR’s system noise prediction tool Parametric Aircraft Noise Analysis Module (PANAM). This paper presents the developed measures as selected for the flight test campaigns. An overview of the conducted flight tests is provided. The overall noise simulation process, including aircraft and engine design, flight simulation, and noise prediction, is presented. Simulation results obtained from this process are then compared to the measured levels from the flight campaigns. Estimated simulation uncertainties from PANAM can now be directly compared to differences between measured and simulated levels. Finally, a parameter study is conducted in order to assess the reduction potential of the novel retrofit measures along different simulated flight procedures. Spatial noise distribution in sound exposure level contours is assessed.
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