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Virtual Collection

Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows

The main objectives of this Virtual Collection of articles on modal analysis of fluid flows are to provide an educational service to nonspecialists seeking greater insight from a data set with modal decomposition/analysis methods and to minimize the barriers for implementation of these methods. This collection of articles consists of in-depth demonstrations of the modal decomposition methods for analysis, modeling, and control of fluid flows as well as the utility of modal decomposition methods for predictive and control-oriented modeling. The activities that led to this Virtual Collection were undertaken by the Modal Analysis of Aerodynamic Flows discussion group, under AIAA’s Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee.

Editors: Kunihiko Taira, Maziar S. Hemati, Lawrence S. Ukeiley

AIAAJ Editor-in-Chief: Alexander J. Smits

Modal Analysis of Fluid Flow: Introduction to the Virtual Collection
AIAA Journal202058:3, pp. 991–993

Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: An Overview
AIAA Journal 201755:12, pp. 4013–4041
Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: Applications and Outlook
AIAA Journal58:3, pp. 1–25


Guide to Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
AIAA Journal58:3, pp. 1–11

Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Compressive System Identification
AIAA Journal202058:2, pp. 561–574