The main objectives of this Virtual Collection of articles on modal analysis of fluid flows are to provide an educational service to nonspecialists seeking greater insight from a data set with modal decomposition/analysis methods and to minimize the barriers for implementation of these methods. This collection of articles consists of in-depth demonstrations of the modal decomposition methods for analysis, modeling, and control of fluid flows as well as the utility of modal decomposition methods for predictive and control-oriented modeling. The activities that led to this Virtual Collection were undertaken by the Modal Analysis of Aerodynamic Flows discussion group, under AIAA’s Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee.
Editors: Kunihiko Taira, Maziar S. Hemati, Lawrence S. Ukeiley
AIAAJ Editor-in-Chief: Alexander J. Smits
Modal Analysis of Fluid Flow: Introduction to the Virtual Collection
AIAA Journal202058:3, pp. 991–993
Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: An Overview
AIAA Journal 201755:12, pp. 4013–4041
Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: Applications and Outlook
AIAA Journal58:3, pp. 1–25
Guide to Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
AIAA Journal58:3, pp. 1–11
Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Compressive System Identification
AIAA Journal202058:2, pp. 561–574
Control-Oriented Model Reduction for Minimizing Transient Energy Growth in Shear Flows
AIAA Journal58:3, pp. 1–12
Resolvent Analysis of Compressible Laminar and Turbulent Cavity Flows
AIAA Journal58:3, pp. 1–10
Resolvent Analysis for Turbulent Channel Flow with Riblets
AIAA Journal202058:2, pp. 589–599